Volume 18, Issue 1 (2017) African and Diasporic Women’s Literature: Transitions, Transformations and Transnationalism
This special issue of Wagadu, edited by Cheryl Sterling, Associate Professor of English and Director of Black Studies, The City College, City University of New York, explores what it means for African and African Diaspora women writers and artists to create imaginatively in the transnational sphere.Articles
Bastardly Duppies & Dastardly Dykes: Queer Sexuality And The Supernatural In Michelle Cliff’s Abeng And Shani Mootoo’s Cereus Blooms At Night
Rahul K. Gairola
Deconstructing the Ivorian Vestimentary Traditions: New Fashion, Contemporary Beauty and New Identity in Marguerite Abouet and Clément Oubrerie’s Aya de Yopougon
Richard Oko Ajah and Letitia Egege
On Memory and Resistance: Motherhood, Community and Dispossession in Zora Moreno’s Coqui corihundo vira el mundo (1981)
Stephanie Gomez Menzies
Dutch Caribbean Women’s Literary Thought: Activism through Linguistic and Cosmopolitan Multiplicity
Florencia V. Cornet
Book Reviews
White Innocence: Paradoxes of Colonialism and Race by Gloria Wekker, Duke University Press, 2016
Jakki Forester