Volume 15, Issue 1 (2016) Special Issue: Epistemic Injustice in Practice
This special issue of Wagadu, edited by Dr. Franziska Dübgen, Junior Research Team Leader at the University of Kassel, investigates the particular harm of “epistemic injustice” in different realms of social life within contemporary societies.Articles
The Berlin Wall vs. The European Border, OR #JESUISCHARLIE VS #JESUISNIGERIA – On The Workings Of Epistemic Injustice In Race Matters
Laura Appeltshauser
Epistemic Injustice and Conditioned Experience: The Case of Intellectual Disability
Hildur Kalman, Veronica Lovgren, and Lennart Sauer
The Injustice of Justice: Feminist Ethical Reflections on Subjectivity
Bertolino Elisabetta R.
Epistemic Injustice and Powerlessness in the Context of Global Justice: An Argument for "Thick" and "Small" Knowledge
Gottfried Schweiger
Ethics and Mental Health: An Intellectual Approach
Elizabeth Purcell
New Trends in Diversity Leadership and Inclusive Excellence
Seth N. Asumah, Mechthild Nagel, and Lewis Rosengarten
Book Reviews
An editorial comment on the book review section
Mechthild Nagel
Review of Genocide Lives in Us: Women, Memory and Silence in Rwanda by Jennie Burnet, University of Wisconsin Press, 2012, 302 pp., $29.95 (paperback)
Rirhandu Mageza-Barthel