

Peer Review Process

All articles published in Wagadu are peer-reviewed. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for deciding which of the articles submitted to the journal should be published.

The Managing Editor ensures that the peer-review process is fair, unbiased, and timely. Research articles submitted are typically anonymously reviewed by at least two independent reviewers, and where necessary, the editor seeks additional opinions. Reviewers selected have expertise in the relevant field.

After the peer-review process, the editor may accept the article, request that the article be revised and be resubmitted, or the article rejected. Reviewers’ feedback is provided to the authors together with the editor’s decision. Revised and Resubmitted articles are returned to the original reviewers for new opinions.

Rejected articles can be submitted as new submissions if they undergo substantial revisions. These articles would follow the initial process of all new articles.

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Submitting a Book Review:

Thank you for your interest in reviewing a book for WAGADU. Since ours is not a paper journal, we are not as bound by page limitations as most journals, but the review should be kept within the customary range of lengths (750-1000 words). In addition to a brief summary of the book, a review should include a discussion of the book’s context (who would read/use the book, some historical or cultural context, etc.) and a critique of the book. If appropriate, it might be helpful to reference the names of chapters so it is easy for the reader to follow. Reviews should be prepared in APA format and submitted to WAGADU’s Book Review Editor. The review must be received within 60 days of receiving the book.

Submission Preparation Checklist for Book Reviews:

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission’s compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines:

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end. Use endnotes sparingly (we prefer that you don’t).
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements.

Books for Review

The following books are available to be reviewed. If you are interested in reviewing one of these books, please Email the Managing Editor with your name, affiliation, mailing address, and a short CV (maximum of 2 pages).

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Film, Televisual, and New Media Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in the Film, Televisual, and New Media section of Wagadu.

  • Film, Televisual, and New Media Reviews – Reviews will incorporate a brief summary of a media text, a discussion of the media text’s perspectives (who would read/use the media text), and socio-historical and/or socio-cultural contexts of the media text. 500 – 1000 words.
  • Film, Televisual, and New Media Critical Analysis Essays – Critical Analysis Essays are similar to Reviews but will provide a more in-depth analysis of a media text. They will include a brief summary of the media text, the media text’s socio-historical and/or socio-cultural context, and deep critical analysis that explores the relevance of the media text to conversations about gender, identity, feminism, intersectionality, etc. 1000 – 2500 words.
  • Creative Responses to Film, Televisual, and New Media Content – Creative Responses offer those wishing to write creatively (poetry and creative non-fiction) to respond to media texts. While Creative Responses are not required to contextualize a text’s frameworks, they are required to engage with a text in a way that facilitates conversations about the text and its position in our current culture. Maximum of 2500 words.
  • Film, Televisual, and New Media Scholarly Articles – Scholarly Articles expand upon Critical Analysis Essays and comprise interdisciplinary feminist scholarship addressing gender in its diverse identities and expressions and the inevitable intersections with other social configurations such as race; ethnicity; sexuality; geography, place, and space; and, culture and cultural expression. 5000 – 8000 words.Media texts could include film, television, various modes of broadcast and web-based journalism, social media platforms, blogs and websites, streaming platforms, digital art, digital archives and exhibits, multimedia projects, video games, music, music videos, memes, gifs, etc. However, because Wagadu has a Book Review section, work on published books of any form will be excluded from the FTNM section.Because Wagadu is committed to being inclusive of and equitable to diverse writers within and outside academia around the world, we are actively seeking the voices of those who participate in knowledge production about gender and its intersections in myriad ways. We strongly encourage activists, administrators, artists, creative writers, students (undergraduate and graduate), etc., to submit their work.

While the possible topics Wagadu editors seek to publish are broad, we are particularly interested in writing that explores:

  • Media depictions of mixed-race women-identified people and how they negotiate their worlds
  • Colorism and standards of beauty for women-identified people in various global communities
  • How Indigenous activists involved in ecofeminist climate change movements are represented (or not represented) in mainstream media
  • Gender and disability as represented in media, including representations of disability and sexuality
  • Media discourse on transgender, gender nonbinary, genderqueer, etc., people, particularly people of color
  • The futures of feminist hashtag/social media activism
  • Digital feminisms or feminist Internet and social media-based projects
  • Media and digital (Internet and social media) pedagogical tools in the feminist classroom
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    Formatting Requirements

    Wagadu: A Journal of Transnational Women's & Gender Studies has no general rules about the formatting of articles upon initial submission. There are, however, rules governing the formatting of the final submission. See Final Manuscript Preparation Guidelines for details. Although bepress can provide limited technical support, it is ultimately the responsibility of the author to produce an electronic version of the article as a high-quality PDF (Adobe's Portable Document Format) file, or a Microsoft Word, WordPerfect or RTF file that can be converted to a PDF file.

    It is understood that the current state of technology of Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) is such that there are no, and can be no, guarantees that documents in PDF will work perfectly with all possible hardware and software configurations that readers may have.

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    Rights for Authors and Digital Commons @ Cortland

    As further described in our submission agreement (the Submission Agreement), in consideration for publication of the article, the authors assign to Digital Commons @ Cortland all copyright in the article, subject to the expansive personal--use exceptions described below.

    Attribution and Usage Policies

    Reproduction, posting, transmission or other distribution or use of the article or any material therein, in any medium as permitted by a personal-use exemption or by written agreement of Digital Commons @ Cortland, requires credit to Digital Commons @ Cortland as copyright holder (e.g., Digital Commons @ Cortland © 2025).

    Personal-use Exceptions

    The following uses are always permitted to the author(s) and do not require further permission from Digital Commons @ Cortland provided the author does not alter the format or content of the articles, including the copyright notification:

    • Storage and back-up of the article on the author's computer(s) and digital media (e.g., diskettes, back-up servers, Zip disks, etc.), provided that the article stored on these computers and media is not readily accessible by persons other than the author(s);
    • Posting of the article on the author(s) personal website, provided that the website is non-commercial;
    • Posting of the article on the internet as part of a non-commercial open access institutional repository or other non-commercial open access publication site affiliated with the author(s)'s place of employment (e.g., a Phrenology professor at the University of Southern North Dakota can have her article appear in the University of Southern North Dakota's Department of Phrenology online publication series); and
    • Posting of the article on a non-commercial course website for a course being taught by the author at the university or college employing the author.

    People seeking an exception, or who have questions about use, should contact the editors.

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    General Terms and Conditions of Use

    Users of the Digital Commons @ Cortland website and/or software agree not to misuse the Digital Commons @ Cortland service or software in any way.

    The failure of Digital Commons @ Cortland to exercise or enforce any right or provision in the policies or the Submission Agreement does not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If any term of the Submission Agreement or these policies is found to be invalid, the parties nevertheless agree that the court should endeavor to give effect to the parties' intentions as reflected in the provision, and the other provisions of the Submission Agreement and these policies remain in full force and effect. These policies and the Submission Agreement constitute the entire agreement between Digital Commons @ Cortland and the Author(s) regarding submission of the Article.

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