The SUNY Journal of the Scholarship of Engagement: JoSE
Students from graphic design and physics classes at SUNY Cortland collaborated during the spring semester of 2020 on a multidisciplinary project related to the COVID-19 pandemic. In these collaborations, the students’ individual contributions were part of a larger project that required a diverse skill set, through which students learned how different skills can complement their own disciplines. The graphic design and physics instructors applied a project-based learning philosophy applying the Common Problem Pedagogy (CPP) framework to construct student-teams composed of both disciplines. This project explored how coordinated social actions can allow the public to exercise control in uncertain times. Students created mathematical models related to the spread of the disease and the economic consequences of quarantine and then communicated the results in scientific reports, which were interpreted and presented as infographics and illustrative visual design posters for public outreach. To share the students’ work with the larger community the instructors concluded this project with a virtual public exhibition hosted by the SUNY Cortland Dowd Gallery.
Included in
Civic and Community Engagement Commons, Disease Modeling Commons, Graphic Design Commons, Illustration Commons, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing Commons