
The SUNY Journal of the Scholarship of Engagement: JoSE


Executive Director:
Jeffrey L. Jackson, SUNY Cortland
Laura Dunbar, SUNY Cortland
  John Suarez, SUNY Cortland

JoSE is an online, peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to research into, and to the practice of, all forms of applied learning as they relate to students’ career- and citizenship-readiness. Housed at SUNY Cortland but committed to developing SUNY-wide partnerships, JoSE accepts submissions from faculty, professional staff, and students at every level.

Current Issue: Volume 3, Issue 1 (2023)



The COVID-19 Vaccine Challenge Innovation Sprint: the utility of active learning in fostering interdisciplinary collaboration in the hypothetical development of a COVID-19 vaccination campaign
Jennifer Shaffer Foster, Gabriel N. Attallah, Ritika Bhajiawala, Steven J. Gabriel, Ray Huang, Parveen Attai, Maisha Rahman, Maia Weiss, Sadia M. Rifah, Oluwademilade Daniel Aguda, Dean S. Seneca, and Lina Mu