Volume 1, Issue 1 (2004) Feminists Confront Empire
In this inaugural volume edited by philosopher Mechthild Nagel, several articles explore the theme Feminists Confront Empire. The journal Wagadu invites interdisciplinary work which contributes to the field of postcolonial gender and women’s studies.Articles
From the Editor
Mechthild Nagel
En-gendering critical spatial literacy: Migrant Asante women and the politics of urban space.
Epifania Adoo-Adare
Invited and Invented Spaces of Participation: Neoliberal Citizenship and Feminists' Expanded Notion of Politics.
Faranak Miraftab
Arms Control
Mary Kennan Herbert
Book Reviews
Review: The Socialist Feminist Project
Kathryn Russell
Review: Gender, Development, and Globalization
Jennifer L. Mendel