The reality of dance and rhythmic-movement for the hearing impaired
Note: Full text of thesis is available in print at the SUNY Cortland Memorial Library College Archives. For access, please contact a librarian.
The purpose of the study was to describe the affects of a dance program on a certain percentage of hearing impaired student population over a six year period at the New York State School for the Deaf in Rome, New York. Mental and physical characteristics of this deaf population were observed and recorded. This same population was treated to a rhythmic-movement, dance curriculum and total dance program. The results were recorded in relationship to the affects on these characteristics plus other noticeable results obtained through the exposure of these students to the dance program. Conclusions drawn from this study were:
1. There was a positive affect on the deaf population who took part in the rhythmic-movement and dance program at the New York State School for the Deaf in Rome, New York.
2. This work should be expanded to other schools with a hearing impaired population.
3. There is a need for further teacher training in this area of education for the hearing impaired.
4. There is a need for further research in this field.
5. Many hypotheses could be drawn from this study but these need to be tested and proved empirically.
6. There is a need to make public the reality that the hearing impaired do possess the necessary physical and mental skills to perform the art form of dance.