Date of Award


Document Type

Access Controlled Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Lynn Anderson


The purpose of this project was to create a college-level course on leisure and human relationships. The course curriculum, developed from relevant literature on the subject, presents a comprehensive exploration of leisure and human relationships and their impact on one another. Although courses may touch on the subject, a course focused specifically on leisure and human relationships is not typically available. In order to create the course curriculum, a comprehensive literature review was conducted to compile available theory, models, and research on the subject of leisure and human relationships. All course curriculum was drawn there from. No single text covers the material in the course. A collection of readings from books and articles was therefore compiled in order to increase student understanding of course material. Appropriate learning outcomes were then selected for the course, and the curriculum was created. Course materials include a syllabus and master course syllabus; a selection of course assigned readings, class modules, assignments, projects, and exams. All evaluation methods support the learning outcomes of the course. The result was an all-inclusive 200-level course on leisure and human relationships, ready to be incorporated into any leisure curriculum, as a general education course, and as an elective in related fields.
