Date of Award


Document Type

Access Controlled Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Lin Lin, Ph.D.


This mixed methods research focuses on classroom intervention strategies affecting participation and engagement of fifth graders. Data was gathered that was both qualitative and quantitative. Students were asked to track their participation in order to receive different types of incentives. These incentives were both whole group rewards and individual rewards. Responsive classroom focuses on creating positive and welcoming classroom communities. Focusing on whole group incentives allowed the class to come together to work towards a goal. The whole group reward was based on individual accomplishment. If more than 13 students moved their anonymous icon into the jar, a part of the mystery reward was revealed. This data was collected for a six-week period. After the six-week period students were given a post-intervention survey (see Appendix H). This survey asked questions to see how their feelings and actions to participation have changed over the course of the intervention. Responsive classroom helped shape the intervention strategy by giving student choice and creating engaging classroom strategies. Students saw firsthand how their participation changed the classroom community and conversations. This intervention was student led. It was up to them to track their participation, to move their icons, and to pick the rewards. The power was in the hands of the students. Students enjoyed reaching the goals and encouraged others who were struggling. Responsive classroom focuses on creating positive classroom communities. This intervention helped increase positive feelings towards participation and motivated students to partake in educational conversations.
