Date of Award


Document Type

Access Controlled Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Jacob Hall, Ph.D

Second Advisor

Kimberly Rombach, Ph.D.


This action research project was designed to investigate how self-checking work and receiving teacher feedback on work affects student performance on a weekly assignment in math class. Baseline data was collected by reviewing grades on assignments preceding the intervention and also observing student habits when working on this assignment. Four students were chosen from a single class period to participate in this study. For the intervention, students were given self-checking strategies and timely teacher feedback was provided before students handed in each assignment. Throughout the intervention students were observed on their work and asked to stay after-school. Data collected during this time included grades, and how often the assignment was checked and corrected. Following the intervention additional data was collected through an interview and grades on subsequent assignments. The data yielded mixed results on the effectiveness of these ideas for these students.
