
Sang Uk Joo

Date of Award


Document Type

Access Controlled Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Sport Management

First Advisor

Theodore G. Fay, Ph.D

Second Advisor

Man-Young Han

Third Advisor

Luisa Velez


This study focuses on the Web site effectiveness of the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games‟ four candidate cities: Chicago, Madrid, Rio de Janeiro, and Tokyo. The balanced scorecard approach is used to assess the effectiveness of the Web sites and the effective Web site is explained by two aspects: whether the Web site is mechanically structured and whether it is sufficiently informative. The research results reveal that there is considerable room for enhancing Web site effectiveness and the candidate cities need to have more concerns for well-structured and informative Web sites. To make the Web sites more effective, practical recommendations are made. Chicago needs to examine its Web site for mechanical problems and balanced information weight among the different languages. With regard to Madrid‟s Web site, more sufficient and well-organized contents about the games are recommended. Additional links for relevant sources are suggested for Rio de Janeiro‟s Web site. Finally, with respect to the Tokyo‟s Web site, practical regional information and simplicity of Web site design are suggested.
