The COR 101 Student Facilitator Posters showcase the work of more than 60 Student Facilitators who serve an internship each year with the COR 101 first-year seminar program. Student Facilitators develop a poster, summarizing a lesson they taught in-class to first-year students focusing on topics relevant to the first-year transition experience. Posters cover the preparation and research, lesson execution, and reflection and assessment that went into teaching their class of first-year students.
Posters are created from slides, like those that follow.
Stress in College Kids' Lives
Jennifer Latawiec
First-year college students are not alone in experiencing stress.
COR 300 FYE Student Facilitator Poster Symposium
Ryan Lerner
This is a powerpoint presentation describing how a lesson about the Honors Program was conducted in a COR 101 Honors section classroom by a Student Facilitator. Discussing the goals, teaching methods and student and student facilitator reflections.
Mental Health / Wellness
Daniel Linehan
College can be an extremely stressful time for many students especially the first year. There can be many stressors weighing on students giving them an overwhelming feeling. For instance, “Before the pandemic, “60% of U.S. students felt ‘overwhelming’ anxiety, while 40% experienced depression so severe they had difficulty functioning... Suicidal thinking, severe depression and rates of self-injury among U.S. college students more than doubled over less than a decade” (Druckenmiller, 2022). I chose to talk about mental health and wellness because this is something that everyone will have some problems with at some point, but if you are prepared and know how to combat these problems you can overcome them. I wanted to give my COR students the tools they need to combat these stressors and feelings as well as letting them know they are not alone.
Clubs & Greek Life on Campus
Yanuaria Lopez
The goal of the presentation was to make first-year students aware of the resources and activities available on campus, as well as to be able to meet new people, create and build a community of months themselves, and begin networking and finding other ways to speak to different groups of people who share similar interests. I used the time between demonstrating the PowerPoint and explaining the information to ask the students questions in order to pique their interest.
Academic Success
Erin Mahar
It is always important to strive for success in life, but we need to know how to use our resources to succeed. Most students struggle with studying habits. Studying is essential for academic success. Communication with professors is a new form of formal communication that many people are nervous about when starting college.
A Look Through My Eyes on Getting Involved
Sabrina Martinez
A look into the undergraduate career of Student Facilitator, Sabrina Martinez on getting involved on campus. Past experiences of involvement were used to help first-year students understand and recognize the available resources available to them at SUNY Cortland. The experiences involved were events, jobs, clubs, and useful departments. Since the COR class was specifically kinesiology students, the presentation was directed more toward what more they can do for the benefit of their years at Cortland and future career. A presentation directed in assisting first-year students on getting involved that will beneficially help them in their near future.
Sports and Activities in Cortland
Joseph Martin
The topic I chose to teach was about the many different opportunities to be involved in SUNY Cortland athletics, and activities around Cortland, NY. There is a broad range of opportunities coming from intramural, to Club, and then Varsity sports. I teach a COR 101 class in the Sport Management major- and I asked them the first day of class how many of them played a sport in high school. As expected, everyone raised their hand, prompting me the idea to lecture them about the variety Cortland offers. Students may find these “Explorations”-as author Strayhorn explains as an idea of a community of students with common goal (in their case science) to give a sense of belonging in a new stage of their life. (Strayhorn, 2019). Sports can be their own exploration, and to find unity with their classmates. First year students tend to struggle more than other grades, so finding a right fit is important (Ebert, 2019).
Study Tips: Finals Week Edition
Victoria Miralla
The title “Study Tips: Finals Week Edition” , was for the students in my COR 101 to have a better idea on how to prepare for the final week of classes. With these slides I have been able to guide the students into learning how to be the most successful during there first college Finals Week.
Making Mental Health A Priority
Jessica Ninesling
This presentation discusses how to navigate mental health while transitioning to college. It also provides insight for students to help improve their mental health.
Mental Health and Wellness
Caitlin Novielli
My topic was Mental Health and Wellness. I discussed mental health terms and definitions as well as ways to promote well-being and self-care. I provided resources, methods to improve mental states, and interactive prompts to get my class to discuss the topic and learn more about it.
Mental Health and Coping Mechanisms
Katherine Orcutt
In today's society, mental health is severely stigmatized. Being a sociology major, I wanted to incorporate how we can tackle stigma and improve society for everyone's benefit. For my COR class, I wanted to stress the importance of balance in our lives as busy college students. I hoped to reach students on a closer level and serve as not only a campus resource but also a true mentor.
Networking is your Net Worth
Jordan Pacheco
Students use social media, but don't always realize the importance of in-person networking skills. This presentation addresses that.
How to Maximize your College Experience
Michael Pichardo
My poster targets to aid students maximize their college experience and help them find the sweet balance of focusing on academics while still finding things outside of class to do as well. Help find clubs to join or programs to try. Overall, provide the students the information needed for them to capitalize on any opportunity are college offers to students, as we pay to be here. Let's get every penny we can out our time here and make your experience worthwhile.
#Twitter For Networking: Don’t Scroll Past
Jared Rago
This presentation talks about the benefits of Twitter and how it can be used professional within the world of health and physical education to gain knowledge and network.
Maintaining Health and Wellness in College
Lindsey Reece
This covers my lesson on what health and wellness is, different types of health, how to maintain it and helpful campus resources.
Degree Works
Victoria Reich
The topic i chose to teach was “ How to: Degree Works.” The reason i chose this topic was to help first year students become more familiar with how to navigate degree works and also become familiar with schedule builder. First year students don't often realize that instead of having an advisor make your schedule, like in high school, we as college students are fully responsible for making our own schedules. The transition from highschool to college comes with a lot of responsibilities that many students didn't know about. “Gaining an understanding about the barriers facing the transition from high school to college is a crucial step” (Schneider,2014). Now that covid is coming to an end, that is another transition that students have to make and by having that guidance can really change a students perspective. “Throughout my college years, I have entered a pandemic, have had to navigate through the pandemic, and have transitioned from online schooling back to in-person classes” (The Importance of academic advising in higher education, 2022). Many first year students get in a state of panic when they realize that there are hundreds of students registering before them, and they end up not getting into the classes they wanted. The goal of my lesson was to show my students how to see what courses are needed to take for their degree on degree works and also how to use schedule builder and creating their potential schedules for next semester.
Title IX and Consent Education
Daniel Reischer
This presentation details the lesson design and implementation of a COR 101 lesson around consent and title IX. The goal of the presentation was to create a comfortable atmosphere and have a student led discussion surrounding topics regarding sex, consent, and resources around the campus and community. The presentation demonstrates the mixed success of lesson implementation and takeaways.
Academic Resources and Opportunities
Kylie Rejman
This PowerPoint encompasses the lesson that I executed in COR 101 on academic opportunities and resources. I also provided a reflection on my experience with lesson planning and teaching a class on my own!
Tour of Cortland
Allyson Roth
My poster is about the lesson I created on explaining to the students where everything is located here at Cortland.
COR 300 Poster Symposium
Madeline Ruuge
PowerPoint presentation on Personal Wellness presented in a COR 101 class.
Be SMART and Set Goals
Giulianna Sambone
For this topic, I discussed with the first year students the importance of setting goals in college. Ideas Covered: S.M.A.R.T. Goals Short-Term Goals Long-Term Goals
How to Improve your Study Habits
Clayton Schmale
This is a lesson on how students can improve their study habits. It included 2 journaling exercises, a lecture, and a virtual quiz to review the material.
Time Management
Casey Travers
The topic I chose for my presentation was time management. This poster reflects on my lesson and student learning throughout.