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The topic I chose to teach was "Practicing Wellness and Resilience in College." My presentation was based on the eight aspects of the Wellness Wheel because wellness is essential for first-year students to understand and practice. Transitioning from high school to college may be difficult for some first-year students, and some students may need to recognize the critical correlation that taking care of oneself leads to a successful and happy college experience. Therefore, the purpose is to educate students on what wellness is and the certain domains wellness carries.
My presentation can be divided into three parts: What is this aspect of wellness? How do we practice this aspect of wellness? What are the resources/activities SUNY Cortland offers that contribute to this aspect of wellness? Overall, this gives students clarity on what this aspect of wellness is, gives them time to reflect on how they/how they can improve their practice of this wellness, and, most importantly, how SUNY Cortland provides the necessary resources to succeed within this aspect of wellness. Furthermore, I also chose to address how to be resilient in college. According to Luthar, Cicchetti, and Becker (2000), resilience is “best understood as a dynamic process that exists on a continuum for all of us.” With this, I feel it is essential for students to understand that resilience is a mindset, not a trait, and it is crucial to have this mindset in college, especially with all the curveballs and new experiences college throws at you.


College experience, student life, wellness, COR 101, wellness wheel
