Research in Outdoor Education
Research in Outdoor Education is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal seeking to support and further outdoor education and its goals, including personal growth and moral development, team building and cooperation, outdoor knowledge and skill development, environmental awareness, education and enrichment, and research that directly supports systematic assessment and/or evidence-based advances in outdoor education. ROE is intended to appeal to researchers, practitioners, teachers and post-secondary students through the exploration and discussion of diverse perspectives on the theoretical, empirical, and practical aspects of outdoor education in its broadest sense.
Research in Outdoor Education ended publication with the release of Volume 17 in 2019.
Current Volume: Volume 17 (2019)
Front Matter
Coalition for Education in the Outdoors (CEO)
The Unnecessary Prescription of Transcription: The Promise of Audio-coding in Interview Research
Paul Stonehouse
Adolescent Sense of Belonging in Outdoor Adventure Education: The Influence of Conflict and Instructors
Jeremy Jostad, Jim Sibthorp, Jonathan E. Butner, and Shannon Rochelle
Exploring Motivations and Constraints of Minority Participation: College Outdoor Adventure Programs
Ryan K. Hines, Curt Davidson, Ryan Zwart, and Alan Ewert
Resource Review
Timothy S. O'Connell and Garrett Hutson

- Tim O'Connell
- Brock University
- Garrett Hutson
- Brock University
Research Committee
- M. Deborah Bialeschki
- American Camp Association
- Camille J. Bunting*
- Texas A&M University
- Christine Cashel*
- Oklahoma State University
- Alan Ewert*
- Indiana University
- Michael Gass
- University of New Hampshire
- John Gookin
- The National Outdoor Leadership School
- Karla Henderson
- North Carolina State University
- Kendra Liddicoat
- University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point
- Leo H. McAvoy*
- University of Minnesota
- Timothy O’Connell
- Brock University
- Karen Paisley
- University of Utah
- Keith C. Russell
- Western Washington University
- Jayson Seaman
- University of New Hampshire
- Jim Sibthorp
- University of Utah
- Sharon Todd
- SUNY Cortland
- Anderson B. Young
- SUNY Cortland
- *Emeritus committee members