
Creation Date
Plaque of Francis Cheney dedicated by the class of 1912 that reads: "In loving memory of Francis Cheney, M.A. Ph.D Principle of this School. Kind, frank, straightforward, full of strength and courage, but also gentleness and sympathy. Strength of conviction was his, but no trace of bitterness, strength of mind and character, but no trace of arrogance. He loved culture and scholarship, but truth and noble character more. He was a loyal, helpful friend to his students and associates. He inspired in them moral earnestness, love of right, spirit of harmony. In them he still lives, his work goes on. A citizen, public spirited, responsiveness to the demands of his community. Ready to do his part. He loved his kind. He kept faith. His life availed. Class of 1912."
Cheney, President, Cortland Normal School, Plaque