Taproot: A Journal of Outdoor Education
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pp. 17-20
Six autumns ago, I was fortunate to take an extended river trip to the tune of thirty days. I say fortunate because in this age of "time is money" a month-long personal trip free of outside responsibilities is indeed a luxury. Especially considering the trip itself was a month long, not including the logistical days necessary before and after such an extended outing. If only we could all be so lucky, right? Well, before critiques of wilderness elitism chime in let me assuage your thoughts, for this trip was not funded by outside means - no sponsors, no trust funds. Not that I wouldn't have welcomed that kind of support, but it jut wasn't my reality.
Recommended Citation
Michael A Anderson
"Revisited and Remembered,"
Taproot: A Journal of Outdoor Education: Vol. 18:
2, Article 8.
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