Taproot: A Journal of Outdoor Education
Print Reference
pp. 28-29
Sam Keith's account (One Man's Wilderness) is the story of Richard Proenneke's stay in the Alaskan wilderness during the late 1960s. Like John Rowland's (Cache Lake Country) it too earned a National Book Award in 1999. Also like Rowland's, Proenneke had dreamed since boyhood of living in the wilderness. Proenneke's time to do so came in 1968 when he hired a bush pilot to fly him into the Twin Lakes area near Port Alsworth, Alaska. There he built a small log cabin and established a homestead that would host him for 16 months and periodically over the next thirty years.
Recommended Citation
Yaple, Charles
"Review of One Man's Wilderness,"
Taproot: A Journal of Outdoor Education: Vol. 18:
2, Article 12.
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