Taproot: A Journal of Outdoor Education
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pp 2-3
"In wildness lies the preservation of the world" - profound words of environmentalist and author Henry David Thoreau spoken more than 150 years ago. Concerned about more than biophysical health, Thoreau argued that civilizations breakdown when humans forget their origins and source of spiritual, mental and physical sustenance. He believed wild places were a source of inspiration containing the "raw material of life" that instilled a sense of wonder, spiritual truths and the basis of sound intellect for those frequenting such haunts. Considering Thoreau's wisdom and present concerns about such things as "nature deficit disorder," this issue of Taproot explores where our religious traditions/ religious and spiritual leaders presently stand in helping modern humans reconnect with nature.
Recommended Citation
Yaple, Charles
"From the Editor,"
Taproot: A Journal of Outdoor Education: Vol. 17:
1, Article 2.
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