Taproot: A Journal of Outdoor Education
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pp. 4-7
Seldom does one book launch a new movement; however that may be exactly what Richard Louv accomplished in 2005, by writing Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder. Using recent research findings, Louv has moved national leaders to address the link between disturbing increases in childhood maladies (obesity, diabetes and attention deficit disorders) and too much indoor living. Louv's treatise demonstrates that children simply spend too much time indoors playing passive games, eating poorly, and not exercising. "For eons, human beings spent most of their formative years in nature, but within the space of a few decades, the way children in many Wes tern countries understand and experience nature has changed radically, with profound implications for mental and physical health, cognitive development, creativity and for the future of nature itself."
Recommended Citation
Yaple, Charles
"National Dialogue on Children and Nature,"
Taproot: A Journal of Outdoor Education: Vol. 16:
2, Article 3.
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