Taproot: A Journal of Outdoor Education
Print Reference
pp. 22-27
The Americans with Disabilities Act has been in effect since January 26, 1992. During that time, a tremendous change has occurred in the field of parks and recreation. The federal government has developed and issued regulations governing the design and construction of new recreation facilities and areas and continues to work in this area. Courts and administrative decisions have balanced the right to leisure and recreation opportunities for persons with disabilities, with the fundamental nature of certain leisure experiences. And through it all, states, counties, cities, and special purpose districts that do provide park and recreation experiences, and yes, private entities too, have changed the way in which they plan, allocate resources, and promote their facilities and sites.
Recommended Citation
John N. McGovern
"A Work in Progress: Accessible Trails, Campsites, and Other Outdoor Recreation Areas,"
Taproot: A Journal of Outdoor Education: Vol. 13:
1, Article 6.
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