
Taproot: A Journal of Outdoor Education


Kate Cassidy


Adventure programming is a method of experiential learning which has grown increasingly popular over the past years. In examining the root of adventure programming I recognized that its underlying structure could be seen everywhere today from the way progressive busi-ness meetings are structured, to concepts in organizational development and creative approaches to classroom teaching. This common foundation led me to develop The Learning Sequence for educators. Its strength is in its simplicity. After looking at this seven step process it will seem perfectly obvious - and it is - we intuitively recognize the need for these steps. However, it is easy to get caught in the latest trends of education and forget the basics. To have a common framework to refer to allows a teacher/facilitator to glean the best from new teaching methods. It provides a simple point of reference that will allow practitioners to adapt and combine programs more easily and so make the most of each learning experience.
