Taproot: A Journal of Outdoor Education
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pp. 12-15
By forging connections with plants, animals, and land, by finding ways to experience some relationship to the Earth, individuals can gain a sense of worth. Herein lies security. Edith Cobb, in analyzing the roots of creativity in great thinkers, found that many had experienced a pivotal childhood "discontinuity, an awareness of [one's] own unique separateness and identity, and also a continuity, a renewal of relationship with nature." Cobb marveled at what can grow from this paradox: " ... a delighted awareness that knowing and being are in some way coincident and continuous ... and that this kind of knowing is in itself an achievement of psychological balance."
Recommended Citation
Stephen Trimble
"The Scripture of Maps, The Names of Trees,"
Taproot: A Journal of Outdoor Education: Vol. 11:
1998, Article 5.
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