
Taproot: A Journal of Outdoor Education


For many environmentalists, Aldo Leopold's work provides an enduring ethic for conservation and preservation. Yet even while Leopold's ideals continue to be valued, taught, and ascribed to, it seems that more and more people are saying the words without experiencing the message. Even those who profess to be environmentalists rarely know the sense of place chat inspired Leopold, Muir and Thoreau. Through the increasing geographic mobility of people throughout the United States, and the associated loss of community, our nation is rapidly losing the sense of place chat these men, and many other men and women throughout our history, once understood. The pioneer of the American west, who built her home out of prairie sod, must have developed this feeling. So must the farmer who worked the same piece of land his father, and his father's father worked. Hundreds of families who lived and worked in one community for decades grew into a sense of place year by year.
